All is well, and all is back to normal and finally with absolute happiness we are all set to welcome giant corporate events in our lives. Corporate events are a key to meet and greet our old folks. But to make it memorable an inseparable part of the show is the man on stage the event anchors in Mumbai charge. There is a list of corporate anchors to choose from for corporate hosting Mr. Siddharth Kannan, Abner Dias, AK Rahman, Clince Varghese etc and there can be no comparison amongst each of these. Each one has his own positives. The anchor depends on what is your need from the event.
When on Stage Every Individual Shares it Owns Spark. So How to Choose The Best Corporate Event Host in Mumbai Suitable for your Show.
1.Categorize the Type of Event:
Corporate events can be a team building activity, an Awards night, Launch of a product, Inauguration of an outlet, Rewards & recognition, Founder’s day or a Meet & Greet event. Once you are aware of the nature of the event choose the best corporate event planners & organisers in Mumbai which will fit into the specific category. Someone may be an entertainer but need not be a professional announcer or vice versa. You can thus filter down your list.
2. Identify the Role for the Anchor:
This point resembles to if your seeking to employ a person; won’t you list down a job description for him? Based on which you move ahead to find the prospect. It is a similar analysis when you want to choose a corporate event host in Mumbai for your show. Make a job list of what the anchor is actually expected to do on the stage.
3. Witty or Handsome?
A difficult choice here! A witty best corporate event planners in Mumbai is always better to choose over a model. The reason being when on stage there are many unplanned activities that keep happening. An anchor should be smart enough to control the situations on the stage as well as disguise the audience at the same time. Every time before booking a corporate anchor, ask the anchor if anytime he has dealt with damage control on stage and if yes, he is the one!
4. Experienced or Fresher?
Both. As each one would have their own set of faults and advantages. This again depends on what is expected from the anchor. Many corporates do have a duo of an experienced anchor who can manage the show and a junior anchor who can entertain the crowd.
5. Language:
Work precisely with this factor. As in a corporate show we have a mix of audience, language is the only medium of communication to deliver the right message. A corporate anchor should be comfortable with a language which is understandable by the audience.
These are 5 important points which would help you choose the Corporate Anchor Meant for Your Jazzy Event!